Sprint: Hosting Dish’s spectrum on Network Vision is technically possible – FierceWireless

Sprint: Hosting Dish's spectrum on Network Vision is technically possible - FierceWireless

Sprint Nextel NYSE:S CFO Joe Euteneuer said that the company is open to hosting other operator’s spectrum on its network, and said there are no major technical limitations to hosting Dish’s Network’s MSS S-band spectrum, for example.

Sprint: Hosting Dish's spectrum on Network Vision is technically possible - FierceWireless

Speaking Wednesday at the Deutsche Bank Leveraged Finance Conference, Euteneuer reiterated that Sprint’s Network Vision architecture with its multi-modal base stations makes it technically possible to host spectrum. Euteneuer did not specifically say Sprint would host Dish’s spectrum, but said there would be no major technical barriers to doing so. Sprint and LightSquared had a spectrum hosting deal that fell apart amid concerns that LightSquared’s spectrum may cause interference to GPS receivers.

via Sprint: Hosting Dish’s spectrum on Network Vision is technically possible – FierceWireless.

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