If You’re Expecting The TV Industry To Just ‘Collapse’, Keep Dreaming – SplatF

The Internet has already changed the television industry significantly, and will continue to do so. But the idea that the web will cause the TV business to “collapse” is fantasy.

Henry Blodget has just written a wildly popular post called “Don’t Mean To Be Alarmist, But The TV Business May Be Starting To Collapse.” Henry’s post argues that changing TV viewer behavior, catalyzed by things like the Internet, Netflix, Hulu, iPad, etc., could cause the TV industry to rapidly collapse, the way the newspaper industry did. Given the high fives it’s getting on Twitter, a lot of the tech world is clearly hoping it’s true.

If You’re Expecting The TV Industry To Just ‘Collapse’, Keep Dreaming - SplatF

Actually, it’s very similar to a post Henry — my long-time former boss! — wrote three years ago, called “Sorry, There’s No Way To Save The TV Business.”

via If You’re Expecting The TV Industry To Just ‘Collapse’, Keep Dreaming – SplatF.

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